Bill Lavern Berstler

Bill Lavern Berstler
U.S. Marine Corps
Bill Lavern Berstler was raised in Iowa County and graduated from the rural Deep River – Millersburg High School in the class of 1966. After high school and before joining the Marine Corps, Berstler briefly lived with his uncle in Cedar Rapids and attended the Missouri State Teachers College. CPL Berstler trained as an anti-tank assault man; he was deployed to Southeast Asia in October 1968. Serving with the 3rd Marine Division, CPL Berstler completed eight months in country before he was killed on June 17, 1969. He sustained multiple fatal fragmentation wounds when his unit’s position experienced an enemy mortar attack. One other Marine from Illinois was killed during the bombardment. CPL Berstler was 21 years old at the time of his death. He left behind his parents and six siblings. His body was returned to Iowa and buried at the Millersburg Cemetery in Iowa County.
City of EntryLadora
Conflict/Time PeriodVietnam War
Service Location
Separation StatusKilled In Action (KIA)
Specific Jobs