Jerry Guy Giberson

Jerry Guy Giberson
U.S. Army
Jerry Guy Giberson was born in Jefferson County and moved with his family to Lee County. He lived in Donnelison and was a 1966 graduate of Central Community High School near Argyle. Giberson was drafted by the Army in March 1969 and was sent to Vietnam in March 1970. SGT Giberson was an infantry operations and intelligence specialist serving with the Americal Division. On June 20, 1970 SGT Giberson was killed by an enemy booby trap, along with three fellow soldiers. He was described by his comrades as “a great guy and loved by all . . . he was a real brother to all.” SGT Giberson was 21 years old at the time of his death. His body was returned to Iowa and buried at the Oakland Sand Cemetery in Lee County.
City of EntryDonnellson
Conflict/Time PeriodVietnam War
Service Location
Separation StatusKilled In Action (KIA)
Specific Jobs