Randall Karl Schutt

Randall Karl Schutt
U.S. Army
Randall Karl Schutt of Sioux Center was an active member in FFA. He graduated from Sioux Center High School with the class of 1966 was drafted into the Army in October of that year. After completing training, Schutt went to Vietnam on March 20, 1967 to serve with the Army military police. He died on January 31 from wounds that he suffered when the Viet Cong attacked the U.S. Embassy in Saigon during the 1968 Tet Offensive. A funeral service for the 21-year-old took place at the Fist Reformed Church located in Sioux Center and his body was buried at Sioux Center Cemetery. He left behind a fiancé and was posthumously promoted to Corporal.
City of EntrySioux Center
Conflict/Time PeriodVietnam War
Service Location
Separation StatusKilled In Action (KIA)
Specific Jobs