Robert Bruce Haney Jr.

Robert Bruce Haney Jr.
U.S. Army
Robert Bruce Haney Jr. was born in Fairfield and attended Fairfield High School. He later worked for Fairfield Engineering and Manufacturing Company. He enlisted in the Army in 1968. After training SP4 Haney was sent to Vietnam as a tank mechanic in February 1969. Haney was present when his boyhood friend and fellow Fairfield native, SGT Frakes, was killed in August 1969 during a vehicle accident. He returned home for 30 days during the Christmas holiday before extending his tour for an additional 6 months in Vietnam. SP4 Haney was killed on May 3, 1970 during an enemy attack on Landing Zone Betty. The 21-year-old’s body was returned to Iowa and buried at the Evergreen Cemetery in Fairfield. He was posthumously promoted to Sergeant.
City of EntryFairfield
Conflict/Time PeriodVietnam War
Service Location
Separation StatusKilled In Action (KIA)
Specific Jobs