Warren Keith Brown

Warren Keith Brown
U.S. Air Force
First Lieutenant [O-2]
Warren Brown grew up in Sioux City. He was a member of the Iowa Air National Guard, the 185th Tactical Fighter Squadron, based in Sioux City. The unit was federalized in 1968 and went to Vietnam attached to the 174th Tactical Fighter Squadron stationed at Phu Cat Air Force Base. 1st Lieutenant Brown was flying his A-7 Corsair in support of troops in the Ashau Valley on July 14 when he was shot down, two months after arriving in Vietnam. He was declared killed in action as “hostile, died while missing.” He was married with two sons. His remains were recovered and were buried in Memorial Park Cemetery in Sioux City.
City of EntrySioux City
Conflict/Time PeriodVietnam War
Service Location
Separation StatusMissing in Action (MIA)
Specific Jobs