Oral Histories

Veteran portraitThe Voices of Iowa Oral History Project is an innovative approach to the collection, display, and preservation of our history. The compilation of personal stories in a digital format provides material that is relevant to a modern generation of users. In addition to the historical chronology, the process captures the personal emotion and interpretation of an event, giving it meaning beyond the printed word or image. We have been collecting oral histories from Iowa veterans since 2003 for use in exhibits, educational programming, and promotional activities. Currently, we have over 1600 interviews from 70 counties that are available to the public in our library. It is one of the largest veteran collections of interviews conducted by a single institution in the nation.

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Displaying 261 - 280 of 1443
Video Video Description Service Branch Rank Specialty or Rate

William J. Craig

Vietnam Army Vet on the horrors of war

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U.S. Army
1967 to 1970
Specialist 5 [E-5] 11B20 41G20 Combat Surveillance Equipment Service & Repair

Doris L Crandall

Collecting items to help

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Bruce Jerry Crandall

Korea Vet recalls life after his Army service in Okinawa

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U.S. Army
1958 to 1960
Private First Class (PFC) [E-3] Clerk

Larry James Crawford

Vietnam vet recalls first night of Army M-P duty

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U.S. Army
1967 to 1970
Sergeant [E-5] Military Police

Richard H Crawford

WWII Navy Vet on Japanese surrendering in Guam after the war ended

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U.S. Navy
1943 to 1946
Seaman First Class Seabees Mu619

John V Crawford

Traveling to the Philippines

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U.S. Army Corporal

John W Crew

20-year Army Vet has a long, long family military history

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U.S. Army
1943 to 1963
Captain [O-3] Artillery Unit Commander

Jack Norman Cross

Picking up a hitch hiker in Vietnam as a Seabee truck driver

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U.S. Navy
1967 to 1969
Second Class Petty Officer [E-5]

Charles T Crull

Army helicopter medic on the many dangers in Vietnam

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U.S. Army
1957 to 1972
Sergeant Medic

Andrew J Cubit Jr.

Midwestern boys

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U.S. Army

Joseph Cullman

The Sullivan brothers

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U.S. Navy

Kenneth Cunningham

Trading chocolate for eggs

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U.S. Army

Gene Francis Cunningham

An Army mistake changed his military career

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U.S. Army
1964 to 1976
[E-6] Crane Operator/mechanic

Mary Cunningham

Big flying cockroach

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David Currell

Lighting the crates on fire

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U.S. Army

Robert F. Current

Dinner in Algeria

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U.S. Army
1941 to 1945
Staff Sergeant [E-6] Machine Gunner To Platoon Leader

Glenn Lee Curtis

Iowa National Guard Vet on some of the first duties in Afghanistan

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National Guard
[E-5] 25V20

Dorothy J Cushing

Missing loved ones

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James A Dahl

Morse code

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U.S. Navy
1967 to 1971
Third Class Petty Officer [E-4] Radioman

Dirk L Dahms

Air Force Vet remembers duties as manager of the officers' club at Sheppard Air

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U.S. Air Force
1982 to 1992
Club Manager, Food Manager
