Oral Histories

Veteran portraitThe Voices of Iowa Oral History Project is an innovative approach to the collection, display, and preservation of our history. The compilation of personal stories in a digital format provides material that is relevant to a modern generation of users. In addition to the historical chronology, the process captures the personal emotion and interpretation of an event, giving it meaning beyond the printed word or image. We have been collecting oral histories from Iowa veterans since 2003 for use in exhibits, educational programming, and promotional activities. Currently, we have over 1600 interviews from 70 counties that are available to the public in our library. It is one of the largest veteran collections of interviews conducted by a single institution in the nation.

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Displaying 1041 - 1060 of 1443
Video Video Description Service Branch Rank Specialty or Rate

Robert C Post

Decided not to go hospital.

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U.S. Army First Lieutenant [O-2]

Raymond P. Powell

The kind of friend you have, till the day you die.

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U.S. Air Force
1949 to 1954
Lieutenant Colonel [O-5] Recon Pilot - Intelligence Officer

Leroy Gibson Powells

Army Vet served in Germany. (1951-53)

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U.S. Army
1951 to 1953
Private First Class (PFC) [E-3] Mail Clerk

Robert Powers

The doppler effect

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U.S. Navy

John E Powers

Third generation Navy Vet served aboard the carrier "USS Ronald Reagan" during "Operation Enduring Freedom". (2009)

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U.S. Navy
1949 to 1953
Air Crewman
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1944 to 1947
Private First Class (PFC) [E-3] Paratrooper

Marcus Pratt

25 year National Guard Vet recalls his 2008 deployment to Iraq.

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National Guard
Staff Sergeant [E-6] Chopper Mechanic

Arthur Prescott

Navy cannon fire

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Larry M Price

Vet on his Air Force Presidential Support Duty at Camp David

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U.S. Air Force
1955 to 1976
Aircraft Electronics

Jim D Prideg

Marine Vet served 3 tours of duty in Vietnam and recalls one of his search and destroy missions in 1967.

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U.S. Marine Corps
1966 to 1989
[E-7] Infantry (0311), 2321

Leo R Priebe

Thanking god for being alive

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David A Pries

Ambushed in Vietnam

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U.S. Army
1965 to 1967
Specialist 4 [E-4] Combat Engineer

Robert Prins

WWII Air Force Vet served stateside as an instructor on the B-17 and B-29 bombers. (1943-46)

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U.S. Air Force
1943 to 1946
Sergeant Flight Communications

Douglas W Proctor

Air Force Vet on one assignment during his 30+ year career. (1981-2011)

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U.S. Air Force

Mearl James Proctor

21-year Army Vet on why he volunteered for Vietnam Duty

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U.S. Army
1958 to 1979
[E-6] Infantry

Vivian Pruckler

The women were concerned.

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Eugene F Puetz

WWII Vet was a Navy Pilot. However, the war ended and he never went overseas.

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U.S. Navy
1942 to 1945
Lieutenant [O-3] Amm 2/c Lt/jg Pilot

Ray Pugh

Collecting tires and tin foil.

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Gerald Purdy

"Hurricane is coming"

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U.S. Navy
1946 to 1948
Deck Hand

Craig R Quigley

At the pentagon during 9/11.

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