Oral Histories

Veteran portraitThe Voices of Iowa Oral History Project is an innovative approach to the collection, display, and preservation of our history. The compilation of personal stories in a digital format provides material that is relevant to a modern generation of users. In addition to the historical chronology, the process captures the personal emotion and interpretation of an event, giving it meaning beyond the printed word or image. We have been collecting oral histories from Iowa veterans since 2003 for use in exhibits, educational programming, and promotional activities. Currently, we have over 1600 interviews from 70 counties that are available to the public in our library. It is one of the largest veteran collections of interviews conducted by a single institution in the nation.

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Displaying 761 - 780 of 1443
Video Video Description Service Branch Rank Specialty or Rate

Lewis Levick

Making the uniform perfect

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1945 to 1946

John M Lewis

Restricted to the base

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Cliff S Leyen

Vietnam Vet was a 17 year old Marine and recalls early duty toward the end of the war.

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U.S. Marine Corps
1970 to 1977
Sergeant [E-5] 1345 - Combat Engineer

Loren Lickiss

Pilot blacked out

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Dorothy E Lind

Her husband, Eugene, served in the Navy and Dorothy was active in the Cedar Falls Amvets.

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Eugene H Lind

Post WWII Navy Vet was sent to Pearl Harbor.

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U.S. Navy
1946 to 1951
Third Class Petty Officer [E-4] Aviation Mechanic

Kenneth E. Lind

Marine Vet recalls his first hand to hand combat fighting in Korea in 1950.

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U.S. Marine Corps
1950 to 1957
Sergeant Infantry (0311), 2500

Joshua R. Link

Career Coast Guard Vet served at Port Huron, Michigan and loves the search and rescue duty.

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U.S. Coast Guard
Second Class Petty Officer [E-5] Boatswain's Mate (BM)

Howard A Linn

WWII Army Air Corps Vet became a POW after his B-24 bomber crashed over Germany in 1944.

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U.S. Army
1943 to 1945
Staff Sergeant [E-6] Upper Turret Gunner / Flight Engineer

Jarold Lister

Very rigorous trainging

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Frank A. Loeffel

In the band

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Donald J. Lohnes

Taking photos of Iwo Jima

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U.S. Navy
1943 to 1946
Second Class Petty Officer [E-5] Photographer's Mate

Alfred J. Lompe

Picked up a pistol

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U.S. Army
1942 to 1945
Lieutenant Colonel [O-5] S-3

Doris Long

Husband captured at war

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Roger Long

Rounded up and souviners taken

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Lloyd Loonan

Army Vet recalls his D-Day experience during WWII.

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U.S. Army
Combat Engineer

Glen W Lorenz

WWII Army Vet was part of the "ghost division" in the Battle of the Bulge. (Bastone-1944)

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U.S. Army
1943 to 1946
Technician Fifth Grade - Corporal (T-5) [E-4] 55Th Armored Engineer, Decoder

Mark A Lorenz

Marine Corps Vet talks about the weapons and radios use in the Corps during the late 1960's and early 1970's.

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U.S. Marine Corps
1966 to 1972
Corporal Radio Operator

Harvey H Love

WWII Army Vet recalls one of many battles with the Germans.

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U.S. Army
1942 to 1945
Technician Fifth Grade - Corporal (T-5) [E-4] Scout

Donald O Loveless

Army Vet on duty in Hawaii

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U.S. Army
1966 to 1969
[E-5] Supply
