Oral Histories

Veteran portraitThe Voices of Iowa Oral History Project is an innovative approach to the collection, display, and preservation of our history. The compilation of personal stories in a digital format provides material that is relevant to a modern generation of users. In addition to the historical chronology, the process captures the personal emotion and interpretation of an event, giving it meaning beyond the printed word or image. We have been collecting oral histories from Iowa veterans since 2003 for use in exhibits, educational programming, and promotional activities. Currently, we have over 1600 interviews from 70 counties that are available to the public in our library. It is one of the largest veteran collections of interviews conducted by a single institution in the nation.

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Displaying 841 - 860 of 1443
Video Video Description Service Branch Rank Specialty or Rate

Eugene F McCann

Navy Vet served aboard the carrier USS BENNINGTON and survived two explosions. (1953)

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U.S. Navy
1951 to 1954
Second Class Petty Officer [E-5] Electrician's Mate

Merritt J McCardle

Navy Vet was 18 when he went aboard the carrier USS RENDOVA and went to Korea. (1950-54)

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U.S. Navy
1950 to 1954
Third Class Petty Officer [E-4] Aviation Ordinanceman (AO)

Glen W McClain

WWII Navy Vet (gunner) is glad he learned to swim as a kid because of an encounter on D-Day.

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U.S. Navy
1942 to 1945
Gunner's Mate

Virgil McClain

He went home and left me there

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U.S. Army

Alan McClenathan

Vietnam Navy Vet served aboard a food reefer and also did shore patrol duty.

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U.S. Navy Second Class Petty Officer [E-5] Fire Controlman

Robert Lewis McCulley

WWII Army Vet served in the Pacific and recalls action in New Guinea. (1942-44)

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U.S. Army
1941 to 1945
Infantry, Scout

Joseph P McCullough

WWII Army Medical Vet recalls Normandy after D-Day in 1944.

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U.S. Army
1943 to 1945

Cyrus McDonald

Yelling, the war was over

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Jean McDonald

Taking tin foil off of gum wrappers

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Robert McElree

Scattered out

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U.S. Air Force
1942 to 1946
Waist Gunner B17

Katherine McFarland

Keeping them busy

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Merl Lavern McFarlane

Korean Air Force Vet served stateside and started out as an ammunitions handler. (1950-52)

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U.S. Air Force
1950 to 1952

Merlyn L McFee

Marine Corps Vet recalls being under fire for many days in Vietnam. (1968)

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U.S. Marine Corps
1967 to 1970
[E-5] Cook (3371)

Lyola W McGee

WWII Navy Vet served on the cruiser "USS Oakland" and recalls days in the South Pacific.

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U.S. Navy
1942 to 1946
Third Class Petty Officer [E-4] Gunner's Mate

Marjorie McGee

Marjorie and her husband Ray (WWII Vet) have published 2 volumes of "Our Veterans in War and Peace"

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Raymond J. McGee

Shell is going to drop

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U.S. Army
1942 to 1945

Lester J McGlaughlin

Vietnam Vet was a painter in the Air Force in Thailand.

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U.S. Air Force
1964 to 1968
Sergeant [E-5] Protective Coating Specialist

Leo McGlaun

WWII Army Vet was in the M-18 Tank Destroyer Unit that pushed the Germans out of Bastogne.

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U.S. Army
1939 to 1945
Sergeant Platoon Sergeant

Donald Paul McGrane

Widow of Navy Vet Donald McGrane relates to how her husband died on a rescue mission in Vietnam

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U.S. Navy Second Class Petty Officer [E-5]

Max Dainel McGrane

Army Vet served his country in Korea. (1952-54)

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U.S. Army
1952 to 1954
