Oral Histories

Veteran portraitThe Voices of Iowa Oral History Project is an innovative approach to the collection, display, and preservation of our history. The compilation of personal stories in a digital format provides material that is relevant to a modern generation of users. In addition to the historical chronology, the process captures the personal emotion and interpretation of an event, giving it meaning beyond the printed word or image. We have been collecting oral histories from Iowa veterans since 2003 for use in exhibits, educational programming, and promotional activities. Currently, we have over 1600 interviews from 70 counties that are available to the public in our library. It is one of the largest veteran collections of interviews conducted by a single institution in the nation.

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Displaying 861 - 880 of 1443
Video Video Description Service Branch Rank Specialty or Rate

James R McKee

WWII Vet was a Captain in the Army Air Corps and served 6 years in Europe. (1940-46)

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U.S. Air Force
1939 to 1946
Captain [O-3] Armor Aircraft Officer

Lowell A McKeeman

Navy Vet served on several ships including the USS HUNLEY.

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U.S. Navy
First Class Petty Officer [E-6] Machinist's Mate

Grendal E McKimpson

Sending ambulances to the front line

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1942 Motor Pool Officer

Thomas K McKinney

Navy Vet on the start of the Vietnam War

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U.S. Navy
1967 to 1970
Fire Control

Charles Arthur McLaury

Live fire fight

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U.S. Navy
1964 to 1968
Ammo, Rearmed And Supply, Mechanist Mate

John L McMorris Sr.

WWII Army Vet served in Europe & the Pacific. He says his homecoming was nothing like they give today.

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U.S. Army
1943 to 1946
Private First Class (PFC) [E-3] Infantry

Maurice McWhirter

Lawyer became a 30 year Navy Vet (JAC & NCIS Officer) (1980-2010)

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U.S. Navy
1984 to 2010
Captain [O-6] Border Security

Everett H Meier

Post Korea Army Vet was sent to Germany. (1958-60)

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U.S. Army
1958 to 1960
Specialist 4 [E-4]

David Meighan

Army vet on how his duties suddenly changed in Germany

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U.S. Army
1968 to 1970
[E-5] Tank Driver/crew

Jack F Mellinger

Army Vet served 2 1/2 years in the South Pacific during WWII. (Guadalcanal- 1943-46)

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U.S. Army
1943 to 1946
Technician Fourth Grade - Sergeant (T/4) [E-5] Ordnance Supply Truck Driver

Vidal Joseph Mendez

Took over the company

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U.S. Army Infantry- Medic

Richard R Menne

Army Vet on the difference between the M-14 and M-16 rifles

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U.S. Army
1966 to 1968
Artillery And Small Arms Repair

Henry Mennenga

Unloading to the supply dump

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William Menster

Navy Chaplin Vet has a 25 year career. (active & reserve)

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U.S. Navy Chaplain

Daniel Merwin

Iraq Army Vet on identity switch from military to civilian life.

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U.S. Army
2007 to 2011
[E-5] Band, Security and Surveillance

Robert Messer

Ate a lot of ice cream

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U.S. Army

James M Metcalf

Marine 1st Lt. Commander talks about drug problems in the service

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U.S. Marine Corps
First Lieutenant [O-2] Platoon Commander

Lawrence Evoest Mether

Army Vet recalls his landing in France during WWII. (1944)

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U.S. Army
1942 to 1946
Platoon Leader

Richard H Metier

Low level B-24 bombardier Navy Vet recalls an incident during WWII in the Pacific.

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U.S. Navy Bombardier

David A Meyer

Marine Vet on the Amtraxs he worked on in Okinawa

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U.S. Marine Corps
1968 to 1971
Sergeant Amtrac Repairman
